How to Improve Your Blog Post Format and Please Your Readers

Let's carry on from Day 10, and continue to look at great ways to format your blog posts. If you can improve your blog post format, your readers will find it easier to read your posts.


Not only will this mean more traffic to your blog, but it will also mean people stay longer to read your content. Because it is great and easy to read! Day 10 we looked at how to improve your blog writing format. And now we will look at how you can improve your blog post format.

Why Do I Need a Good Blog Post Format?

You might be wondering what difference a good blog post format could possible make. How can the layout of your blog affect visitors and readers?

A very important aspect of your blog posts, website content, and any online content is how it is formatted. Proper formatting doesn’t just help visually. It also helps behind the scenes with search engine optimization. Let’s look at a few tips to help you design a great blog post format to boost your SEO scores.

Why Do I Need a Good Blog Post Format

Think About Your Blog Post Message

The easy way to get traffic to your blog is to write great content. More importantly, the best way to write great content is to have something to say. Each post should solve a problem or answer a question from your audience.

This means that before you write each and every blog post, you need to consider your message. Therefore, the blog post format you devise, must start with your message.

Know the Point of Your Message

It’s hard to write one word if you don’t know in advance what the message is. What do you want the reader to take away from reading the content? Remember that’s the message and the point of the post.

Know Who the Message Is For

When you choose the words to create the message it’s important to know the audience who will be receiving the message. As a result of you knowing your audience, you will use the right words. Each type of audience likes a different way to hear the message, so you need to know who they are so that you can word everything correctly. 

Know the Keywords You Want to Use

First you need to decide the topic that you want to communicate to your audience. Then, before you write one word you should complete the keyword research on that topic. Once you know the keywords you want to use, then you can start drafting the blog post.

Develop an Optimized Title

The next step is using the keyword information, plus the idea behind the message, to craft an optimized title before you write anything.

This title will help remind you what you need to write about, so that you complete the message promise of the title.

Some people like to write the title at the end. However, I find it keeps me to the point if I write the title first.

Know the Keywords You Want to Use

Think About Your Blog Post Format

Now that you have decided upon the words you are going to use in your post, you need to move to the next stage. So, you need to design the blog post format for this and all subsequent blog posts.

When you stick to the same post structure, it will become familiar to your readers. This means that they will feel comfortable reading your posts as they know what they can expect.

Create an Outline for Your Post

Now you have a title. In addition, you know what you want to tell your audience. Also, you know the keywords you want to rank for. Therefore, the next steps for this piece of content is that you should create an outline.

An outline should consist of some bulleted points that are some of your keywords. Each point becomes a subheading for the content.

Use Paragraphs, Bold, Italics

As you work through the content write about each bullet point in paragraphs using heading tags, bold, italics, and other ways to emphasize the important points of the article. Plus, this style of writing makes it easier to read.

Create Structure with Headings

Remember to use H1, H2, and so forth tags to signify the start of a new paragraph that goes with the title of the content. Read more about header tags in this post.

Creating chunky content will be easier on the eyes but also easier for the search engines to find the keywords and rank your content.

Create Subheadings & Bullet Points

When you’re developing the structure of the post, as we've mentioned you want to create subheadings (h2, h3, h4) tags. You should also use bullet points and other features that make the content stand out, look good, and be easy to scan.

Link to Your Other Relevant Content

A great way to increase the SEO value of any content on your site is to include a link to your other content that the reader of this content might find interesting too. This also informs the search engine that you are an authority on that subject.

Link to Resources

Link to Resources

Search engines value scholarly and authoritative information more than they do random information from just anyone. You can boost the authority of your information simply by linking to scholarly sources that prove your point.

Remember that anything in a list, headings, bold, italics and so forth make everything easier to read.

When it’s easier for your audience to read it’s also easier for the search engines to categorize it due to your use of keywords, bullet points, headings, subheadings and so forth. SEO isn’t only for search engines, it’s also for your audience.

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