Continuing with our SEO challenge, lets look at some plugins that can help you to improve SEO on your blog and posts.
They do not replace human intervention, but there are some useful plugins that you can use. Knowledge and a good plugin will enable you to improve SEO on your blog.
8 Great Plugins That Help Improve SEO
You are reading these posts as you wish to improve SEO on your blog. Improving SEO sounds complicated, and make no mistake, it is involved. However, with the right plugin, you can make it easier.
Trying to improve SEO on your blog is not hard to do. It's just time-consuming. Going through the process is very important and can be very fruitful. But why not have a plugin to make everything easier?
These 8 plugins all work great. Most of the time you only want one plugin at a time. Try each one to see if it works well for you. Be sure to uninstall one before adding the other.
Improve SEO with Yoast SEO
The premium version of this plugin for WordPress does so much that it’s become one of the most popular plugins for WordPress ever. This plugin can guide you through making your website and blog more search engine friendly. It helps you manage keywords, submit sitemaps, and more.
There is a free version of Yoast SEO, and for many people this is sufficient. It gives pointers on what is doing well, and not so well. It guides you about how well optimized an individual post is.
I currently use the free version and it has always been sufficient for my needs. I am now contemplating buying the pro-version of the plugin though as it looks great.

All in One SEO Pack
As you know, search engines are how you will receive a lot of your traffic. So, it’s very important to implement search engine optimization tactics. But it can be confusing to do. Especially if you are new to blogging as there is such a lot to learn. The last thing you want to think about is how to improve your SEO when you can barely write a blog post!
If you want to stay organized, you can do it with this plugin. It’s an all-inclusive plugin as the name implies that will set up your site best for SEO.
The SEO Framework
This plugin is currently free and offers broad control over your SEO. You can set up your site to be very SEO friendly. This plugin will give you help with keywords, customize your tagline, the title information, descriptions and more. This is a pretty powerful plugin even though it’s free and not as popular as the others.

JetPack by
This plugin is easy to use and can help you create sitemaps. Jetpack automatically creates sitemaps for your website that will work with Google Webmaster Tools and that Google Search loves.
Whether you use it for SEO or not, JetPack is a great and very useful plugin. It does so many great things. I use Thrive which gives me a great theme and page builder. I can add and optimize many options through it. If I didn't use Thrive though, some of the options are also available through JetPack. It is a really good all-round plugin. I also use JetPack though more for it's other features than for any SEO enhancements.
SEO Squirrly
This plugin is being touted as SEO help for people who know nothing about SEO. And don’t want to know! It takes the technical stuff out and lets a novice set up their site with the right optimization. This includes helping you avoid keyword stuffing. It also offers some pretty awesome analytics.
As I was researching this article, I tried out SEO Squrrly. And I really must say that it looks really good. I don't write posts directly in the WP editor and this was the one issue I found with Squirrly. This means that It can't see any of my text. So I miss out on the text optimization features. Which is a shame as otherwise this would be my new SEO plugin.
WordPress is already SEO friendly due to the code, and how it’s set up. But this plugin is worth a try due to the features it comes with. It has a powerful dashboard complete with permalink structure, meta titles, descriptions, HTML image resizing and so much more.
SEO Post Content Links
Some things you do on your blog increase optimization. This helps to make your website more interesting. And this is to both a search engine and to your audience. Remember that one of these important factors is how long your audience stays on your site. To get them to stay longer including internal linking helps. This plugin makes this more automated. So you don't have to remember to find articles to link.
Smush Image Compression and Optimization
Large images can cause your site to slow down. A slow site is bad for search engines and you will be 'penalized'. If you wish to avoid that, this plugin seeks to help you with this problem. It automatically compresses images according to your instructions within the bounds of the software. This just means it makes your images smaller in size. Not dimension.
Here you can see some of the useful plugins to help you with SEO. Bear in mind that there are more advanced tools that you can get from,, and other SEO oriented professional sites. However, you may not need them. Certainly not if you are just starting out. But all of these plugins listed work really well and can be used with great results.
It is definitely worth learning all you can about SEO and how to improve SEO on your site. Check out this article as a reminder However, having a plugin is great as it will remind you to do something. Or show you where you have gone a bit wrong. They do not replace knowledge but can be a great time saver. And we all want some of that. Some of the plugins just remind you where to put your keywords. Read more about keywords and key phrases here.
- Yoast SEO - the premium version of this plugin for WordPress is one of the most popular plugins for WordPress ever. This plugin helps you manage keywords, submit sitemaps, and more. This will help you learn to improve SEO on your blog.
- All in One SEO Pack - If you want to stay organized, try this all-inclusive plugin that will set up your site best for SEO.
- SEO Squirrly - SEO help for people who know nothing about SEO.
- WP Meta SEO -worth a try due to the features it comes with.
- SEO Post Content Links - automates internal linking.
Remember too, that you need to Smush your images as large images can cause your site to slow down.
Do you know of any other great plugins that help you optimize your blog? Let us know in the comments.

I think I must have the plugins for the Free WP site. Hopefully they automatically add them, but not sure.