Thousands of blogs start up every day. How do you stop YOUR blog from failing?
Lately, we have been looking at how we can be blogging better. But what about if we don’t even get to that stage. What do you do if you feel your blog is failing before it has even started?
I have made every mistake a blogger can make, and then added some more of my own! It is easy to make mistakes when you are a blogger. There are so many things to think about when you have a blog, so many I’s to dot and Ts to cross. It’s no wonder many of us end up crossing our eyes and leaving the dots to mind their own business.
Have You Left It Too Late to Stop Your Blog from Failing?
If you were to sit down and consider the pros and cons of blogging, one of the good things is that you can learn from your mistakes. Most of your mistakes will not result in the death of your blog. You just have to learn what you did wrong, move on, and try not to do it again.
But sometimes blogs fail through unintentional mistakes. It may be something you have not thought through first. Or it may be something you are not aware of. But first you need to consider this.
Is Your Blog Actually Failing?
If you think your blog MIGHT be failing, then it probably isn’t! I wouldn’t say your blog was failing if you don’t get as many visitors as you thought you would. Or your readers weren’t engaging with you. Part of this could be a failure of your beloved blog to live up to your lofty expectations. Either way, these things can be fixed.
What can’t be fixed so easily, is if you have stopped blogging. You are no longer picking up your quill and parchment and donning your writing cap. You have stopped blogging. Then I would suggest that your blog is failing.
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So, to help you if you think you need to stop your blog failing, let’s look at some blogging mistakes.
Bored of writing.
Most blogs fail within the first six months of their bursting onto the blogging scene. For every blog that you see has been going for years with regular content, there are countless more on the scrapheap of blogging oblivion.
This is because people get bored of writing them, especially when they see that they are not getting any visitors. There are a couple of reasons why you may be bored of writing posts for your blog.
Wrong Topic.
Possibly you chose the wrong topic for your blog! After all, you may love Scottish country dancing, but you don’t want to write about it 3 times a week. There are many discussions about whether you need passion to start a blog. I don’t necessarily think you need passion, but you do need an interest. You need to converse about your topic and find content ideas. If you are bored silly by the topic, it is a lot harder. Don’t expect me to start blogging about cars anytime soon.
You may not have chosen a topic at all but have a lifestyle blog where you write 1 post about everything under the sun. But you are not really interested in any of them in a meaningful way.
Bad Content
I don’t like to say this because I’m sure it isn’t true, but you may have chosen the wrong type of content. Perhaps you may have chosen to blog because you think you can write, but it turns out you hate writing. A lot. This is more than likely linked to the topic. I think you know if you hate writing. You are more likely to hate writing about Scottish country dancing. Or cars.
Maybe you imagined that your blog would gain traction quite quickly. Now you are disappointed that it has not succeeded as YOU expected.
You may look at some great blogs and think ‘why don’t I have engagement like that?’. But bear in mind that these blogs could have been around for years. Don’t let other people’s success, trivialize your own.
Not enough traffic
People tend to feel that there is no point writing if there is no one there to read what they write. However, it can take a long time for a blog to become popular with regular visitors and most tend to quit before they get their first taste of success.
The best advice is to keep going and not to give up. You should push through it and carry on writing and posting content even when it appears that you are not getting many visitors. All it takes is for one post that you make to go viral and you’re all set.
One of the most common reasons that people fail at blogging is that they get disheartened at not having any readers. Yet one of the reasons that they don’t have many readers is because they have not fully submersed themselves into the community in which they blog about.
Some bloggers fail because they do have readers but spend all their time creating content. They have no time left over for promoting that content.
Now that we know where we may be going wrong, what can we do about these failings?
Love writing
How can you stop your blog from failing by falling in love with writing again?

Right Topic
Think about why you want to blog. Do you want to help people? Would you like to create meaningful and useful content? One easy way to stop your blog from failing is to think about a topic that you are interested in. Would you enjoy interacting with people who have similar interests? Is that the world where you would enjoy spending your time? If yes, then it is a potentially good topic for your blog.
Great Content
Once you love your topic and love writing, your content will appear by magic. Well OK, not really. But it will feel much easier to dream up content. This is because you enjoy your topic, so you do the right things. You find forums, interact with people on social media, follow other blogs, join groups. You become immersed in the topic and therefore ideas are all around you. Like love.
Be consistent with your posting, so readers know what to expect. If you create quality content and have a regular routine, your readers will start coming back for more.
Realign Your Expectations
If you have unrealistic expectations, then you are going to be disappointed. Growing your blog will take time. You not only need patience, but also persistence, to be a good blogger. You need to learn from your mistakes and don’t be afraid to try new things.
Start blogging just because you love blogging. Put in some effort rather than doing things begrudgingly and hastily. Come up with some realistic goals that are achievable. Create a plan for your blog with realistic dates. Write down dates when you are going to post, rather than posting when you feel like it.

Gain Traffic and Traction
Don’t be too discouraged if you are not getting any traffic. A little determination and a reduction in the expectation that people are just going to find you by chance, will set you on your way. There are millions upon millions of blogs out there and you need to step up to the plate and set yourself apart from the others.
It is easy to get sucked into creating posts and other useful content. And that is it. You need to spend time promoting your content too. You need a marketing plan for your blog.
Produce quality engaging content, consistently and publicise your efforts. Solve people’s problems, entertain people and engage with and learn from the community. Don’t be unrealistic where your blog is concerned.
Above all, when things might not quite be going your way, don’t give up. That is the easiest way to stop your blog from failing. As with so many things, if you want your blog to be a success you need to be serious about blogging. Don’t go into it halfheartedly.